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Lavender Vitality

Steam distilled from the flowering plants grown at the Young Living farms in Simiane-la-Rotonde, France, and Mona, Utah, Lavender is the most versatile essential oil. You’ll often here many people call lavender the “swiss army knife of essential oils.”

Lavender is known for calming and soothing properties, often use for restful sleep. I make a linen spray and put drops on dryer balls for when we dry our sheets. We don’t go a night without diffusing Lavender.

Birdie, my younger and most spoiled chicken, slept with it on her blanket when she was a chick. When she was a chick, she screamed at night because she was alone. Once I figured out to put lavender on her blanket, I never heard a peep in the middle of the night.

You can even rub the oil on the bottom of your big toe before bed or add it to a hot bath with Epsom Salt to help you relax.

I also rub my face with it each day to promote healthy skin. Nola, my dog, suffers from allergies and hot spots. We use lavender shampoo and lavender spray on her to help reduce the itching and promote healing.

Lavender Vitality™ compliments both rich and light foods and can enhance the flavor of your entire recipe. Lavender is powerful, so start by dripping a toothpick in the oil followed by stirring it in your dish. Be sure to taste before adding more.

Overall, what is it good for?

Try These DIY Projects!



This works great in a foam dispenser pump.


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