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Make Your Own Diffuser

DIY diffuser

Avoid harmful chemicals and make your own diffuser using your own essential oils. This is a fun, simple project that takes very little time.

All that is needed is a small glass bottle, bamboo reeds or skewers, your carrier oil of choice, and your favorite essential oils. I chose a small blue jar and used some bamboo skewers I already had.

  1. Cut the skewers to the desired length of your jar.
  2. Lemongrass and Purification® were my Young Living Essential Oils of choice. Add 10 drops of each, 1 teaspoon of Witch Hazel*, and 1 teaspoon of water.
  3. Stir this mixture with one of the bamboo skewers, and then add the remaining sticks.

Later in the day, I switched up the skewers so that both ends would be coated with oils. As I pass by my new diffuser, I give it a swish to get an extra whiff of aroma.

*Some people use vodka as it helps bind the oils to the stick.

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