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Satin Facial Scrub Mint

Satin Facial Scrub Mint

About a year ago, I was at a makeup conference learning some techniques on how to apply mineral makeup. The makeup artist giving the demonstration gave us all a few pointers along the way on how to stay young. Since I grew up as a tomboy, I didn’t give much care about makeup and taking care of my skin. Nor did I share these tips and tricks with my girlfriends. Now almost forty, I needed all the advice I could get and listened closely! “The key to younger-looking skin is a good exfoliant….also don’t use soap on your face.” I came out of that conference saying over and over, “I’ve been doing it all wrong!”

Since recent allergy outbreaks, I become scared of products with ingredients I did not know or much less could pronounce. I researched Young Living’s Satin Facial Scrub Mint ingredients and decided to give it a try.

I have been using Satin Facial Scrub Mint for a few months now, and my face has not looked and felt this young since my twenties. And the best thing is, I am only on my second bottle!

I take a very tiny dab that covers my entire face. You can feel the jojoba beads working the skin lightly, but strong enough to remove dead skin. After, my skin feels smooth and moisturized, and I never have to apply a lotion following. I was starting to get blotches under my eyes where my face gets the most sun, but now they are barely noticeable. Also the peppermint smell is invigorating and is a great way to start off a morning or finish off a long run.

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